Spring roll is a snack made with the Meat masala filled in pancakes. The pan cakes are filled with meat or vegetable masalas and then dipped in egg and then coated in breadcrumbs to give a very crispy and crunchy wrap and delicately spiced filling. This is one of the usual snacks made during Ramadan and is easy if you have the filling made ahead. This is not the regular Chinese spring roll with crispy pancakes, but a very modified and a different version that is made at home mainly during Iftar and to serve guests. Some call it ‘Churulappam’ since it is made by rolling the pancakes. With the below mentioned recipe, you will be able to make 14-16 rolls. I fried half and the rest I froze them for later use. So next time when I need to fry them, all I have to do is just defrost them and fry them.
1 cup Plain Flour (150gms)
1 1/4 cup water
1 medium size egg
Salt to taste
For the filling:
1 heaped cup of Meat masala
For coating:
1-2 Eggwhites
Breadcrumbs- As required
Vegetable oil- To deep fry the spring rolls.
1. To make the batter, Mix all the ingredients well in a large bowl using a balloon whisk or Blend them in a blender until everything is blended without lumps.
2. Heat a small frying pan onto medium heat; pour ½ a ladle of batter to form circles of 5” diameter.
3. Just cook the pancake on one side ONLY and take them out.(The pancake will be cooked on both sides this way).Place them in a plate rubbed with oil. Place a heaped teaspoon of the masala on the uncooked side as shown in the picture. Place it in the top part from middle, an inch away from the sides. Fold both sides to enclose the filling in and then roll it completely to seal the filling in.
4. When you fill one spring roll, you can start making the next one.
5. Dip the roll in lightly beaten egg whites and then roll it in breadcrumbs until fully coated. I normally use the spoon or fork for this as it is quite messy when done with hand.
6. Heat a frying pan filled halfway with oil. Fry these rolls in the oil until golden and crisp.
7. Serve whilst warm with ketchup, chilli sauce, sweet chilli sauce, chilli garlic sauce etc.
And Now Sushma Mallya has tagged me and here are few other bits about me.
The Rules:1. Link the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.3. Share the ABCs of you.
4. Tag 4 people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
5. Let the 4 tagged people know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.
6. Do not tag the same person repeatedly but try to tag different people, so that there is a big network of bloggers doing this tag.The Tag:
1. A – Available/Single? No
2. B – Best friend? My mom and sis mainly;and few more school/college friends of mine who I am very very close to.
3. C – Cake or Pie? Definitely Cake
4. D – Drink of choice? Milk Shakes and smoothies.
5. E – Essential item you use every day? Laptop, my measuring cups and spoons and my kitchen scale. I just love them.
6. F – Favorite color? Nothing as such.
7. G – Gummy Bears Or Worms? Gummy bears
8. H – Hometown? Kerala.
9. I – Indulgence? Desserts and sweets...
10. J – January or February? I don’t think there is anything special about those months, so it’s the same.
11. K – Kids & their names? 1 Son- Rishan
12. L – Life is incomplete without? Family and friends.
13. M – Marriage date? April 28......
14. N – Number of siblings? 2 sis and twin brothers. They are all adorable.
15. O – Oranges or Apples? Not a fruit person.
16. P – Phobias/Fears? Darkness (I always feel there is somebody following me when I am in the dark and keep looking back while I walk in dark even if it is at home...lols...), and reptiles especially lizards found in the gulf (Goodness me!They are huge and disgusting and I can’t stand the sight of it), large spiders, snakes, then comes dogs...oh there are too many...etc....I think I am scared of anything and everything but not scared of cockroaches..
17. Q – Quote for today? Can’t think of one.
18. R – Reason to smile? Many
19. S – Season? Spring/Autumn.
20. T – Tag 4 People? See below.
21. U – Unknown fact about me? That’s Unknown!
22. V – Vegetable you don't like? Hmmm.....none actually.
23. W – Worst habit? Misplacing things around home and searching it for hours and hours and hours. God! The worst part is when I misplace my hubby’s stuffs like his hair comb. And he has to join me in searching just before going for work which almost every time drive him nuts J..There are so many incidents associated with my misplacing. One is when I misplaced the whole bunch of our house keys including the postal box key. My husband was expecting an important mail and he wanted to open mail..Looked out for keys, it was not in the regular place..Myself and my hubby kept on searching and searching and couldn’t find it anywhere. Finally we headed to the garbage and checked that also, Goodness me. It took us more than an hour searching the whole house, and then we gave up. I Told my hubby that we will find it later on somewhere forget about it atleast for the time beaing...Then when I went to kitchen and started off my work, I found it under the tea towel!!!Imagine.
24. X – X-rays you've had? Did I have any?
25. Y – Your favorite food? Sweets, desserts and Certain malabari food. Sometimes it entirely depends on my mood, no...most of the time.
26. Z – Zodiac sign? Scorpio.
I would like to pass the above tag to:
Faiza Ali
Duchess of Tea
This is my entry to Joy From Fasting To Feasting conducted by Lubna and Yasmeen .