Monday, 6 April 2009


I hate strong vinegary smell some mayonnaise has and decided to try my own. I got this recipe from a small cookery booklet of Filippo Berio Olive oil. I mainly use mayonnaise for making Caesar Salad dressing or simply as a dip for sausages or for sandwiches as a light spread. Since I like it less tangy I used only ½ tbs of lemon juice. The original recipe states 1 tbs. It’s so easy to make, but I never knew mayonnaise used so much of oil.

Let me ask you guys something now.
Do you know how to check the freshness of an egg? Yes/No?
I think this was one of the most valuable tip that I read somewhere long ago and has been using it ever since. Just take a small bowlful of water. Slowly submerge the egg in the water. There should be enough water for the egg to submerge in completely. If the egg stays at the bottom of the saucepan, the egg is fresh and is really good. Crack it and make an omelette if you wish. If you see the egg in the middle of water, the egg is getting old. you still can use it,but see if it is good. And if the egg floats on water, it is stale and rotten. Don’t even think of cracking it as it smells awful and unless you really want to faint.

1 large egg yolk
1 tsp mustard paste
½ tbs - 1 tbs lemon/lime juice or vinegar
¼ tsp pepper powder
a pinch of sugar to taste
1/8 tsp salt
150 mls vegetable oil/Light olive oil

1. Put 1 egg yolk, mustard paste, ½ tbs lemon juice, salt and pepper and whisk thoroughly using a balloon whisk until everything is fully blended and is homogenous.
2. Very slowly add in olive oil drop by drop at a time or ¼ - ½ tsp at a time and whisk at high speed until you get a creamy texture. Do it until all the oil is used up. You can easily do it in the food-processor which is easier to handle.
3. Add more seasonings and lemon juice if needed.
1. It’s common that if you add in too much oil at a time the mixture doesn’t mix well and it looks curdled. You can see the oil is separated from the rest of the mixture. If at all it happens, take another egg yolk in another bowl and whisk it until it completely breaks up. Add the curdled mayonnaise to this beaten egg yolk little by little and whisk well until combined.
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