Wednesday 16 November 2011

Vendakka pachadi (Fried Okra in Coocnut and Yogurt Based Sauce)

Pachadi is a usually a coconut and yogurt based dish which is served along side plain boiled rice and other curries. It’s so easy to prepare, and can just whip it up in a jiffy. I normally prepare this to compliment any spicy curries that I serve along with rice just as my Malabar fish curry.  If you aren’t coconut fan, you can omit the coconut here and follow the recipe without using it.

Vendakka pachadi
serves 3-4
150g  okra sliced into ½  cms, around 1 3/5 cups
1 ¼ cups thick creamy yogurt
½ cup water (appx.)
½ cup grated coconut
Ginger – a very small piece (optional)
Garlic – 1clove (optional)  
1- 3 green chillies
Vegetable/coconut oil – to fry okras
1 tablespoon coconut oil
2 dried red chillies
½ teaspoon black mustard seeds
2 twigs curry leaves

1.Grind coconut, green chillies, ginger and garlic (if using) adding 3-4 tablespoon of water if required.
2. Mix this coconut mixture with curd and set aside.
3. Slice okra into ½ cm thickness and deep fry until light golden. Drain excess oil in a kitchen towel.
4. Mix fried okra in the yogurt coconut mixture and set aside.
5. Heat oil in a small pan or karahi and splutter mustard seeds followed by curry leaves and red chillies. Add this tempered oil to pachadi and let it sit for few minutes before serving. You may need to add few tablespoons of water if mixture is thick. Adjust salt and serve alongside rice.