Saturday 18 July 2009

Meat Kibbeh Akras/ Kubbeh

Kibbeh or kubbeh is a meat and bulgur mixture stuffed with cooked meat and then deep fried in oil. This is one of the most famous Labanese dish that is normally served as a starter or an appetizer. I first came across this dish during one of many Iftar (breaking of fast during the month of Ramadan) feasts that was held in our University. I fell in love with it at the first bite itself. I still remember being shocked to see a meatball which has its outer cover and inner stuffing both made of minced meat. After that I had this a couple of times when we went to Lebanese Restaurants. Kibbeh used to be on top of my list. The university Iftar used to be really grand. We used to have a buffet with loads and loads of dishes, mostly Arabic.....The buffet had different kinds of Arabic salads such as tabbouleh, fatoush and many dips such as hummus, Muthabbal, Baba ghannouj; appetizers such as kibbeh, dolma (stuffed cabbage leaves, stuffed with a mixture of minced meat, rice, herbs and spices), Warak al einab (thats stuffed grape leaves), different kind of rices like kabsa, makboos, and not to mention : the heavenly desserts and pastries that includes Baklava and many many others. I never thought of making kibbeh at home, mainly because it was a new kind of dish and I never dealt with such a cooking process before. But it came out really good, the real taste that I was expecting and had in my memories and we loved it. We had it for dinner along with Pitta bread, salad and hummus and it was great. All courtesy goes to That's where I adapted this recipe from. The next day we were going out for a short break to Isle of Wight, so I packed the rest for the Brunch to take away with us. But I halved the amount mentioned in the original recipe, since I was experimenting. Here I have made it in the shape of rugby ball/oval, but you can make it into small patties or balls as you wish.

3/4 cup,150g Bulgur wheat/cracked wheat, fine
250g minced meat
50g onion (1/2 of a medium onion)
12 mint leaves
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp Balck pepper powder
1/4 tsp cinnamon powder
1/2 tsp cumin powder
For the Stuffing:
2 tbs vegetable/olive oil
100g, 1 medium size onion,chopped
250g minced meat
1/2 of maggi stock cube, crumbled
1/4 tsp garam masala
10 mint leaves
1 1/2 tbs almonds (blanched, peeled, chopped and toasted until golden), can use toasted pine nuts as well
1/4 tsp cumin powder
1/4 tsp cinnamon powder
2 green chilli chopped (Optional)
Vegetable oil for deep frying


1. Wash bulgar and drain then cover and set it aside for 1 hour.
2. Combine in a mixing bowl the prepared bulgar, minced beef, onion, mint, salt and spices. Place this mixture in a processor and process by adding just enough water (I added 10 tablespoons of water) to allow the mixture to come together and form into a coarse dough that can be shaped into balls.Cover and set in the fridge.
3. Meanwhile prepare the stuffing. For that, heat oil in a pan, add onion and cook until tender. Add the minced lamb and stir until cooked and brown in color. Add the crumbled MAGGI® chicken Bouillon cube, garam masala, almonds, mint and spices and stir to combine well and cook for a couple of minutes.
4. Divide the kibbeh dough into 12-13 balls.. With wet hands take a ball and form it into an oval shape, Just like the shape of an egg. Make a space (hole) in the center by pushing your finger through from one end.. Make a hole big enough so that a teaspoon can be inserted into it. this can be done by pushing the finger into the dough several times to make the space bigger.
5. Add a teaspoonful of stuffing (cooked mixture), close by pressing firmly.
6. Fry the kibbeh in hot deep oil until golden brown.
7. Serve hot with green salad and fresh yogurt.
Recipe Courtesy:


Anonymous said...

Looks divine shab..missed your uty

Unknown said...

Very professionally made Shabs. Thanks for dropping by my blog. And glad you liked the PB cookies. Yeah, shortening is oil.I used canola oil.

Pooja said...

Looks so delicious Shabs! I never had this before. Tempting one!

Chitra said...

Looks nice..First time here..ur blog is neat!! said...

Excellent recipe Shabs...rlly different too..n i am sure it must have also tasted d best...will surely try this one...

Unknown said...

Hi Shabs

This dish is totally new to me!! It looks great and I should say all your food pics are awesome!!

I will try this dish next time we go to a Lebanese restaurant :)

Bergamot said...

Looks delicious...i just heard of kibbeh never tasted them..would love to said...

Very nicely made. Never tasted it but teh looks o it is MMMMMM! Please deliver some to my home:)

ARUNA said...

excellent Shabs, looks great!!!

Yasmeen said...

Crispy kibbeh,very popular in middle eastern restaurants,you made them perfectly ,shabs :P

nasha said...

Very nice..from your blog i thnk ur a great cook..Cant wait to try out these recipes..

Shabs.. said...

nasha, thx for stopping by and ur lovely comments. Try them out and let me know.

Shabs.. said...

Shakita, thanks alot for stopping by and trying out my recipe....Im happy it turned out well for u and u liked it....Well done!

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Unknown said...

Great Recipe!! Awesome click too.. Love your blog :)

well wisher said...

Your photos seems to have been copied by a memeber in FOODILICIOUS COOKS AT WORK, A GROUP IN FACEBOOK.. please see!/photo.php?pid=4957349&id=298089336594&fbid=408021211594

if u have any complaint please report. to the group administrator..thtnk you

Shabs.. said...

Thank u so much well wisher. I have post a comment to them. I hated the way they posted the pic by removing the watermark.

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